Charter of the United Nations
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Charter of the United Nations
Issued in San Francisco on 26 June 1945
First: an introductory note
The Charter of the United Nations was signed on June 26, 1945 in San Francisco, at the conclusion of the United Nations Conference on the International Organization, and came into force on October 24, 1945. The Statute of the International Court of Justice is an integral part of the Charter.
On December 17, 1963, the General Assembly adopted the amendments to Articles 23, 27 and 61 of the Charter, which became effective on August 31, 1965. The General Assembly also adopted on December 20, 1965, the amendments to Article 109 It became effective on 12 June 1968.
The amendment to Article 23 increases the number of members of the Security Council from eleven to fifteen. The amended Article 27 stipulates that decisions of the Security Council on procedural matters shall be taken with the approval of the votes of nine of its members (previously seven), and on all other matters with the approval of the votes of nine of its members (previously seven), including the votes of the five permanent members of the Security Council.
The amendment to Article 61, which became effective on August 31, 1965, increases the number of members of the Economic and Social Council from eighteen to twenty-seven. The subsequent amendment to the same article, which became effective on September 24, 1973, provides for an increase in the number of members of the Council from twenty-seven to fifty-four.
The amendment of Article 109 related to the first paragraph of that Article permits a general conference of United Nations members to reconsider the Charter at the time and place determined by the General Assembly by a two-thirds majority of its members and with the approval of any nine members of the Security Council (seven in the past). As for the third paragraph of Article 109, which deals with the question of considering the possibility of convening this conference during the tenth regular session of the General Assembly, it remained in its original form with regard to its reference to “the approval of seven members of the Security Council”, as the General Assembly and the Security Council had already taken action Concerning this paragraph at the Tenth Ordinary Session in 1955.